Veteran Aid & Attendance
Did you know that there are financial benefits available for veterans and/or their surviving spouse that will help pay for senior care services; Assisted Living, Board & Care homes and In-Home care?
The Veterans Aid & Attendance was established in 1954 under section 38 USC to assist qualified veterans, and their surviving spouses, to receive financial benefits outside of the traditional Veterans residential system. Veterans Aid & Attendance is a mandatory pension and is not subject to partisan spending or discretionary federal budget cuts.
The Department of Veterans Affairs provides an Aid and Attendance Pension to eligible wartime veterans and their surviving spouses which can help offset the expense of a senior living community, home health care or a nursing home. If the veteran qualifies, Aid & Attendance funds are provided in addition to monthly pension and Social Security benefits.
Veterans may qualify for as much as*:
Married veteran: $2,431 per month
Single veteran: $2,050 per month
Healthy veteran with an ill spouse: $1,477 per month
Surviving spouse: $1,318 per month
Service Requirement
The Aid and Attendance Pension is available to veterans with honorable military service of at least 90 days, with one day during a period of war. Veterans do not have to have seen combat, been injured, or left the United States to be eligible for this valuable benefit.
Medical Requirement
The veteran or spouse must need the "aid and attendance" of another person to help him or her with at least 2 activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, medication management or assist with transfers. These "activities of daily living" are what Assisted Living communities and In-Home Care agencies provide assistance with.
Financial Requirement
The final requirement is financial need. The VA looks at monthly income from all sources as well as total assets and determines financial eligibility. The veterans are able to deduct un-reimbursed monthly medical expenses from their total income and assets, and at least 75% of the cost of an Assisted Living community and 100% of a nursing home monthly payment is considered a monthly medical expense. In some cases, even if you don't meet the financial criteria for a maximum pension, you may be entitled to a partial award.
How We Help Our Residents Access this Important Benefit
Life Options for Seniors is pleased to partner with a local Sacramento company to offer a FREE benefits analysis to our clients to determine whether they are financially eligible for this benefit. This provider also offers pro bono assistance to our residents and their families in applying for the VA Pension with Aid and Attendance. Our goal is to simplify what can be a lengthy and confusing qualification and application process and help our clients get the maximum allowable benefit. If you are interested in learning more and to get the process started, please speak with one of our Senior Care Consultants. Don't delay - the average time between initial application and approval of benefits is four months!
Visit the VA website for detailed information. You can also contact VA Benefits at 800- 827-1000 for the Veteran Service Office (VSO) in your area.
* 2022 rates

Veteran Eligibility
You may be eligible for the Veterans Aid & Attendance pension if:
Age 65 or older or disabled (not due to willful misconduct of the veteran); have an honorable or general discharge.
Served at least 90 days active duty with at least 1 day during any of the following :
* WWII – December 7, 1941 thru Dec 31, 1946
* Korea – June 27, 1950 thru January 31, 1955
* Vietnam Conflict – August 5, 1964 thru May 7, 1975
* Persian Gulf – August 2, 1990 to a date to be determined
Have a medical diagnosis that requires daily assistance with at least one or two of the following ADL’s: bathing, dressing, grooming, personal hygiene, toileting, ambulation, medication management, feeding, meal preparation, or the need to live in a protected environment.
Limited income and net worth that does not provide adequate maintenance. Whether a veteran or a claimant has excessive net worth is determined on case-by-case basis, contact us for more information.